Control of Eye Movements - Scanning
Eyes should move smoothly from the first to the second object without
going off in other directions. When training scanning, start with side
to side movement, then up and down and then diagonal movements. Practice
first with the objects close to the person and then increase the distance.
Begin with 2 objects and later increase the number.
Choose two familiar objects and place or hold them in front of
the person as shown in assessment item on scanning. Give help
at first by calling the names or positions of the objects. The
eye movements should go straight to each object in turn and fixate
without going off in other directions.
The person can practice this by themself by stretching their arms straight
in front and holding up the hands. Gaze can be shifted from one hand
to the other in turn.
Place two objects in a row in front of the person about half a metre
apart. When scanning along a row is accurate, then train scanning up
and down and then in diagonal movements.
A game can be played which requires scanning at greater distances.
People stand in a row or scattered about. As they call their names the
person has to find each one before the next name is called out. This
also helps to identify people from their voices and direct vision to
the position of a sound.
Place a row of objects on a table or the ground in front of the person
while they closes their eyes. Tell them to open their eyes and start
at the beginning of the row where your hand is and look to the end.
They have to find an object from the row. Objects can then be scattered
and the activity can be repeated. Eye movements should be from one object
to another without going back to objects. Practice these activities
to improve the speed of scanning.
Ask the person to describe the scene and name objects they can see
from a window or where you are outside. Other people can describe the
same scene when they have finished.
Fixation on an object while the head or body is moving. Tell the person
to keep their eyes on your face while turning their head from side to
side. Also the head can be rocked from one shoulder to the other while
keeping gaze fixed on your face.
Walk around inside or outside together and ask the person to point
to objects as you pass them. Touch close objects as you walk past.
are the directions you should test for scanning?