Low Vision Online  
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Training Effective Use of Vision

Awareness and Attention to Detail






Patterns, Letters, Numbers and Words

Activities to Encourage the Use of Vision

Developing a Visual Training Programme

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References and Links


The American Printing House for the Blind 


Hilton Perkins Program http://webs.satlink.com/usuarios/h/hperkins/
Moray House Publication http://www.libdex.com/data/9/4725.html
Pennsylvania College of Optometry http://www.pco.edu
Perkins School for the Blind http://www.perkins.org/
School of Education, University of Birmingham http://www.education.bham.ac.uk
Statewide Vision Resource Centre http://www.svrc.vic.edu.au/sitemap.html



Reference Books

Foundations of Education for Blind and Visually Handicapped Children and Youth
Scholl GT (Ed). New York: American Foundation for the Blind, 1986

Foundations of Low Vision: Clinical and Functional Perspectives
American Foundation for the Blind (AFB Press), Anne L Corn and Alan J Koenig, Editors

Low Vision Care for the Elderly, Report of a Workshop
Madrid 4-6 July 1996, WHO, WHO/PBL/96.57

Low Vision Training
Backman O. Hermods, Sweden: Liber, 1979

Management of Low Vision in Children
Geneva: World Health Organization, 1993. WHO/PBC/93.27

Towards Excellence, Effective Education for Students with Vision Impairments
Kelley P & Gale G (ed), Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children, North Rocks Press, Australia, 1998

Visual Handicaps and Learning. A Developmental Approach.
Barraga NC. Belmont, California: Wadsworth, 1976

Low Vision Training Programs for Children

Beyond Arm's Reach: Enhancing Distance Vision
This curriculum for training distance visual efficiency is for use by teachers, orientation and mobility instructors and parents. It was developed by Smith, Bradfield and O'Donnell and is available from the Institute for the Visually Impaired, Pennsylvania College of Optometry, 1200 West Godfrey Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19141, USA

Diagnostic Assessment Procedure
Program to Develop Efficiency in Visual Functioning
This comprehensive kit by Natalie Barraga includes testing procedures with equipment, lessons for visual training and reference material on low vision. Available from The American Printing House for the Blind, 1839 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Look and Think Program
The books and kit of materials to assess low vision were compiled by Tobin, Tooze, Chapman and Moss. The books are available without the kit from the Research Centre for the Education of the Visually Handicapped, University of Birmingham, School of Education, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, England

Vision for Doing
Assessing Functional Vision of Learners who are Multiply Disabled.
A book written by Aitken and Buultjens for people who are not specialists in visual impairment. It explains how to carry out a functional assessment of vision and includes ideas for teaching. Available from Moray House Publications, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh EH8 8AQ, Scotland

Visual Skills. A Curriculum Guide
The guide contains suggestions for visual training activities. It was developed by the Visiting Teacher Service of the Ministry of Education in Victoria for people working with children with low vision. Available from Statewide Resource Centre for Teachers of Visually Impaired Children

Booklets for Families, Health Workers, Teachers or Community Workers

Early Intervention: A Guide for Families of Visually Impaired Children
By Therese Rafalowski. Available from Hilton/Perkins

Education of visually impaired pupils in the ordinary school
By J. Kirk Horton. UNESCO

"I am not blind, I just do not see clearly!!" Suggestions to help low vision people function better
By J. Kirk Horton and Renn Fuller. The Foundation for the Blind, Bangkok, Thailand

When You Have a Visually Handicapped Child in Your Classroom: Suggestions for Teachers
By Iris Torres and Anne Corn. New York: American Foundation for the Blind, 1990

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