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The assessment of functional vision aims to determine

  • what people see
  • how they can see and use their vision
  • under what conditions they can see

The information can be used to understand why people can or can not do particular activities. The purpose is to provide information about the use of vision to plan training to enhance visual skills

Factors that affect how well a person see:
  • visual acuity
  • visual field
  • control of eye movements
  • light
  • colour
  • contrast
  • when low vision started and how severe it is
  • use of vision at an early age
  • intelligence

Note: Visual acuity alone does not tell how a person is able to use vision!

Observation of the effects of low vision

When observing functional vision be aware of:

  • visual behaviour during a variety of activities
  • mobility in familiar and unfamiliar settings
  • the student's understanding of the implications of low vision and the adaptation of tasks for the environment that can be made
  • if other senses are used effectively
  • what the whole community, family or class normally do
  • fatigue in long assessment sessions

The aim of observing the behaviour of people with low vision is to examine the effects of low vision for each person. The areas to be observed for each person are:

  • how the person feels about his vision
  • how vision is used
  • the understanding of low vision and the special needs of the person
  • the need for modifications to the environment such as lighting, contrast and use of colour.

The effects of low vision for learning, activities of daily living, mobility and social interaction may be different for each person. It is important to understand what a person can do for himself, when he needs some help or what changes can be made in the environment.

Ask questions that require a descriptive response (not yes or no)

The rest of this chapter lists questions which are important to consider when trying to understand the effects of low vision on individuals

At the end there are also some suggestions of responses/actions that can be considered.


Name 3 factors that determine how well a person can see

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