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White rice in a white bowl

People with low vision normally have difficulty seeing objects or print that have poor contrast.

When there is good contrast with the background things are easier to see, for example, rice in a dark bowl.

Examples of poor contrast are animals which are the same or similar colour as their environment; rice, noodles or potatoes in a white bowl or plate. These are difficult for a person with low vision to see.

The effects of poor contrast can be demonstrated by using these examples and others. Choose objects and background which are the same colour or do not contrast well. For example use a stone that is the same colour as the ground. Put the stone on the ground about 2 metres away from the person and ask them to find it. If the objects could not be seen from 2 metres, move the person closer.

white rice in a black bowl

Then use an object of the same size but which contrasts strongly with the ground. A vegetable or piece of fruit could be used. Put the object 2 metres from the person and ask them to find it. If the objects could not be seen from 2 metres, move the person closer. Discuss which objects were easier to find and why.

More information on testing

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